Experience is key in family law matters. KDA Law can bring clarity to your unique situation, and help you navigate the family law system in Ontario.
Our Trenton and Belleville offices are staffed with experienced family lawyers and paralegals who can assist clients with areas of custody, access, and support.
Our experienced family law group understands the emotionally charged atmosphere of family law issues and we can answer your questions and guide you through the troubling times of a family split up. We are committed to efficiently and cost effectively representing you, with an emphasis on early resolution. We will work with you, when possible, prior to separation to provide you with family law advice to achieve a separation with minimum emotional upset and maximum strategic advantage. We are committed to trying to make the difficult process of separation, as painless as possible.
The breakdown of relationships between family members, whether they be married, common-law or same sex partners, are some of the most challenging because they can impact many aspects of life and can be weighed down with emotions. We have experience in dealing with all forms of family law issues; custody of children, access issues, child/spousal support, division of matrimonial property, estate planning, criminal involvement in family law and issues involving the Children’s Aid Society. Our lawyers are dedicated to achieving the objectives of their clients expeditiously through “out of court” negotiated settlements whether through lawyer-to-lawyer negotiation or mediation, when this is possible. When not possible as the opposing side is not willing to accept a reasonable resolution, we offer highly experienced, specialized family law representation at all levels of court, and we will aggressively fight for your rights through litigation.

Learn more about how we can help with your family, mediation, real estate and estate law matters.
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